ETT site

The main goal of the Department of Electronics Technology is to teach the basics of technology for all the students of the faculty of electrical engineering and to give detailed technological knowledge for those students, who want to specialise in electronics and microelectronics technology, and who are interested in the design and production of electronics and microelectronics components, subsystems and systems.

Our educational activities include a wide range from the core subjects through the different specialized module courses, optional subjects from BSc to the PhD programs. Some of our courses are given in English for both the foreign students of our university and for our Hungarian students.

The Department teaches core subjects at the lower semesters. The core subject Electronics Technology in the curriculum of electrical engineering is a summary of the knowledge necessary for all engineers to get basically acquainted with the realisation technology of electronic products, and to posses the ability to communicate with the specialists of other fields.

At higher semesters, in the modular part of the curriculum, the Department gives detailed technological knowledge for those students, who want to specialise in electronics and microelectronics technology. In the electrical engineering branch the Department of Electronics Technology is responsible for education in the "Design and Manufacturing of Microelectronics" specialization, including the subjects of circuit module technology, design of electronic circuits and systems, reliability and quality assurance. In the technical informatics branch the Department takes part in the education of 'Economics Information Technology' special direction with topics of production informatics and integrated production control systems.

In addition to these modules and subjects, problem-oriented knowledge of technology is given to individual students in Training Project Laboratory, Project Laboratory and Thesis Work, where the practical work of the students is in connection with the research and development activity of the Department. The topics of these problem-oriented projects are selected from the following areas: printed circuit technology; assembly technologies, nanometrology, failure analysis, thin and thick films;  sensors, actuators and displays; laser technology; quality control and reliability; computer aided design and manufacturing; production control; and computer integrated manufacturing. The projects should contain all parts of the engineer's activity, i.e. the steps of research, theoretical and physical design, fabrication and test. The students can get an insight into the whole project and can learn to work in a team.

The Department of Electronics Technology actively takes part in the postgraduate education (PhD). At present the following topics are offered for PhD students:

  • the technology of microelectronic circuit modules,
  • investigation of sensor technology,
  • the technology of thin and thick film structures,
  • assembly technologies,
  • modelling and simulation,
  • failure analysis of electronic products,
  • image processing in electronics technology,
  • computer integrated manufacturing in electronics.

The Department of Electronics Technology has some other activities in co-operation with other departments or faculties (Mechatronic Engineering, Physics Engineers, Polymer Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, MTA-SZTAKI, MFA-KFKI).

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