On the 6-7th of May, 2021, the ISSE conference was held virtually for the second time; so again, we only could meet our foreign colleagues online.
From our Department (ETT), Oliver Krammer was the secretary of the whole ISSE conference. Lecturers took part in the scientific committee reviewing papers, and worked as session chairs (Attila Bonyár, Attila Géczy, Balázs Illés).
The ISSE is supported by IEEE, IEEE EPS (Electronics Packaging Society), and AVT (Institute of Electronic Packaging Technology and Centre for Microtechnical Manufacturing (TU Dresden). There were 4 keynote speeches, 8 oral presentations and 83 poster presentations.
Several of our PhD students have presented their research and papers.
From the ETT team, our PhD students made outstanding results, as the following awards were given to them:
Ágoston Gábor Nagy had given an oral presentaion entitled "Determination of the Resonance Frequency and Spring Constant of FluidFM Cantilevers"; with which he won the Excellent Paper Award for Young Scientist.
Alexandra Borók: "Numerical Simulation of the Flow Field and Shear Stress in a Microfluidic System" won the Excellent Poster Award for Young Scientist
Shireen Zangana: "The Effect of Focal Plane on the SERS performance of a Gold-Epoxy Nanocomposite" won the Best Poster Award for Young Scientist
Awards can be seen HERE

Other ISEE 2021 papers from the Department of Electronics Technology:
Reem Al-Zubaidi: "Influence of Incidence Angle and Light Polarization on the Refractive Index Sensitivity of a Gold–Epoxy Nanocomposites Sensor"
Balázs Illés: "Soldering with SACX0307-(TiO2/ZnO) nano-composite solder alloys"
Olivér Krammer: "Establishing a Machine-learning Based Framework for Optimising Electronics Assembly"
Petra Pál: "Optimization of the production parameters of the SERS substrates"
Géza Szántó: "Influence of the Shape of Metallic Nanoparticles on their Extinction Cross Section and Refractive Index Sensitivity"
Congratulations to our students and their supervisors for their outstanding articles and awards!