ETT site
Participation in ISSE 2020 (IEEE EPS) Virtual Conference
Our colleagues took part at a web-based conference and received awards

The 43rd ISSE (International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology) conference was planned to be held on the 13-17th of May, 2020, at Demanovska Valley (SK), but due to the global covid emergency, it was organized as a video-conference on the web, on the 15-16th of May 2020. The ISSE is an international registered IEEE Electronic Packaging Society conference.

Traditionally, many colleagues of our Department are members of the committees in the conference. Olivér Krammer was the secretary of the conference; Gábor Harsányi, Zsolt Illyefalvi-Vitéz, Balázs Illés, Attila Bonyár, Bálint Medgyes and Attila Géczy are members of the international Steering Committee. Ágoston Nagy and Dániel Straubinger, PhD students were also representing BME ETT at this IEEE event.

We are especially proud of our PhD students: Ágoston and Dániel have won two awards.

Attila Bonyár, the chair of the IEEE HU&RO EPS&NTC (Nanotechnology Council) Joint Chapter, presented a brilliant keynote speech together with professor Jim Morris (general chair of IEEE EPS) from Portland Universtiy. Via Webex, the two speakers presented their work simultaneously from two continents for the conference participants.

Attila Géczy, the president of the IMAPS Hungary Chapter (subsidiary of MELT) have also given a presentaion.

The following papers will be available soon from the IEEE Xplore and the Web of Science from the ISSE conference:


James E. Morris, Attila Bonyár, Relationship Between Electronics Packaging and Nanotechnology - On the Occasion of the Establishment of the IEEE HU&RO EPS&NTC Joint Chapter

Attila Géczy, Tálas D. Mátyás, Judit Kámán, Gábor Harsányi, Application of Grid-Eye IR sensor for enhanced HMI and OSH purposes in Industry 4.0 reflow soldering environment

B. Illés, R. Bátorfi, T. Hurtony, O. Krammer, G. Harsányi, A. Pietrikova, A. Skwarek and K. Witek, Whisker Development from SAC0307-Mn07 Solder Alloy, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary

M. A. Alaya, L. Gál, A. Géczy, Applicability of Gage Type Pressure Sensors in Vapour Phase Soldering for Process Evaluation

D. Straubinger, B. Illés, R. Berényi, A. Géczy, Simulation of Reflow-based Heat Transfer on Different Thermocouple Constructions

O. Krammer, T. Al-Ma’aiteh, P. Martinek, K. Anda, N. Balogh, Predicting the Transfer Efficiency of Stencil Printing by Machine Learning Technique

The presented research work was carried out in the frame of the BME-FIKP-NAT/BIO programme, the János Bolyai Research Scolarship, the Bolyai+ (ÚNKP), OTKA-FK, Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship and the TKP TUDFO/51757/2019-ITM programmes.


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