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Introducing NAPLIFE: Nanoplasmonic Laser Fusion Research Laboratory
Online conference with presentation by Dr. Attila Bonyár on the 27th of May, 2021

On the 27th of May, 2021, an online conference will be held from 10:00, which aims to introduce the new NAPLIFE project, in which Dr. Attila Bonyár is the head of the material preparation team, and our previous colleague, Dr. Judit Kámán now within Wigner Research Centre for Physics is also a team member. The research topic of our PhD student, Alexandra Borók is also in the field of this project, by the making of nanocomposites.
NAPLIFE (Nanoplasmonic Laser Inertial Fusion Experiment) project works in the field of National Research Infrastructure Laboratory Programme, where scientists make fundamental research and want to realize laser induced fusion, where they enhance laser absorption by using nano antennas and plasmonic amplification with nano particles - reaching higher energy densities in the illuminated samples.
Attila Bonyár will hold his presentation on target-manufacturing procedure by nanotechnology from 13:00h.
The interesting presentations will be in Hungarian, and can be followed on ZOOM. LINK
Meeting ID: 695 4192 0717
Passcode: 1234
The full programme of the conference can be found HERE.

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